Website Launched for Pierre Players
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Factor 360 supports the local arts and are excited to say that we have worked with Pierre Players for over a decade. This year marks their 50th year entertaining central South Dakota. To help them celebrate we wanted to bring their site into the next generation of web. Their old website was due for a modern look, user friendly update and a responsive layout.
For the new website we found our inspiration from past and present show posters and the new logo. We went for a vintage theatre-themed look that focused on highlighting their current and upcoming shows. The homepage "hero image" peaks into the inside of the theatre with three boxes that display relevant shows and a feature area for upcoming auditions and Little Players information. The structure of the website allows for viewing on phones, tablets, and desktop screens alike to allow for an improved user experience.
If you're looking to increase your potential website visitors with a responsive website contact us today!

Categories: Responsive, SEO/SEM, Web Blog, Web Design, Web Development